What is something now that your older you can live without?

  1. Acquaintances

    I value deep connections and would rather stick with my small group of fellow weirdos than hang out with folks I barely know and make small talk for a night.

  2. This is porbably going to sound shallow, but skincare. I have had acne for as long as I remember myself and it impacted my self-esteem for years. Now in my thirties, it feels nice to look at the mirror and see my actual face instead of pimples, scars and irritated, dry skin.

  3. Friends. I’m so sick of staying in touch with people, constantly keeping up with their lives and having obligations towards them. I cut off all my friends last year, but keep a large group of friendly acquaintances which I’m so happy for. It lets me enjoy all the fun and happiness without any draining responsibilities and expectations.

  4. The validation of others. The older I get, the less I care about what others might think about the decisions I make for myself.

    Masking. I don’t hide my autism anymore. Idgaf if anyone feels weirded out about my coping mechanisms and I won’t attend certain events if I feel like it’ll drain my energy too much. Some things just aren’t worth a 2-Day recharge of my social battery.

  5. If it doesn’t bring peace, profit or purpose, then I don’t give it my time, energy or attention.

  6. passion in my career – I work to afford the life I love outside of work such as travels and social life. I no longer feel like loving my career is required. I’m still content with what I do though.

  7. A good night’s sleep. When I was younger I could get by with only a few hours but now if I don’t get at least 7 hours of good sleep it will really make my day a struggle.

  8. Masking. I still do this time from time because its my default mode, but I realized i wont get far if pretend. So i stop

  9. Judgment from My parents. Honestly they need to realize I’m an adult. I love them but I could do wo the Judgment and opinions on how I live my life and if I cuss. It’s ridiculous their expectations of me. 🫠

  10. Being pretty. I’m at an age where the best I can do is to look fine, like a normal middle aged woman, which is to say I am invisible to a significant portion of society. Thank goodness I have family and friends who love me whether I’m pretty or not.

  11. Romantic relationship – I don’t want to be in intimate relationship anymore

  12. Unnecessary drama, validation and gossipy situations. Spanx or uncomfortable underwear. people pleasing and the sort of things that feel like the end of the world when your younger but really are just a tiny blip and a waste of time when you look back at it.

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