I (14F) have a crush on a guy named jake (fake name) who’s (15M) i’ve had a crush on him for 2 months now and i’m having on and off thoughts about whether he likes me back or not!!

We text pretty much all day everyday, we call and play games together and he sends me selfies of himself like if his hair looks good or bad or if he thinks he looks good in a certain shirt BUT he doesn’t talk to me irl.. He doesn’t even make an attempt to talk to me in person, if he saw me in the hallway he wouldn’t come up to me or even look at me when walking past him, or if me, him and a friend of ours are walking from class together they will be pushing each other around and giggling the entire time but he doesn’t do that with me unless we’re on call (the friend is a girl if that matters)

The thing that most sticks out to me is that he knows I like him, my friend told him that i liked him (without me knowing but later told me) but he continued to act like how he does sending me daily selfies and still calling with me but not making any moves .. my friend says that she thinks he likes me and wants me but i feel like i’m being delusional and he’s just being a nice guy and sees me as a good friend, but i don’t feel like he’s the type to do that

I’ve also been thinking about how if we did end up getting together how would he treat me?? Would he try to talk to me in the hallways or push me around and laugh like he does other people, or would it be awkward silence with me leading the convos still. Please snap some sense into me reddit i need advice asap !!!!

Tl:Dr : i wanna ask my crush out but i’m not sure if he likes me back because he doesn’t seem to give off the idea that he likes me or doesn’t like me

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