Men of Reddit, what is something men can get away with that women can’t?

  1. Being curt. To me, it’s amazing that I can reply “ok” to pretty much anything and 90-95% of the time nobody will hold it against me, while women definitely wouldn’t get away with that so easily.

  2. Some people saying walk around shirtless, but some states actually allow women to walk around shirtless, so basically there isn’t anything men can do that women can’t get away with.

    Equality is now, my brothers!

  3. Having sex with a bunch of people of the opposite sex and not being ostracized for it

  4. In many cases, dating as a single dad is apparently quite a lot easier than dating as a single mom. Though my experience with this is not first hand.

  5. a lot of stuff, usually related to being argumentative or authoritative and not being seen as “difficult” in the same way a woman would.

    i also think men in general are given more agency in social situations, whereas women are viewed more often as potential victims; this too often puts the onus on a woman to “be prepared” in case they’re a victim of assault, date rape, etc. and assumes that men “are just like that” to the point where they can’t (and therefore don’t have to) fundamentally change their bad behavior or thinking as a group. this is bad for everyone, men and women, imo.

  6. Being shirtless in public and eating more food without gaining weight.

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