We have been friends for a couple months but I told her that I liked her on Wednesday. I asked her how she feels and she said that she likes being friends but obviously something else will complicate it and that she needs time to think. Now it’s Thursday and she hasn’t texted me or anything. I don’t mind if she doesn’t like me but the way I have to wait in the dark for days is uncomfortable. I’d rather she just say that she doesn’t like me and we can move on. I feel like texting her and just asking her to either reject me or whatever instead of leaving me in the dark. I know it’s probably difficult for her but it does feel unfair how she asked me to be honest so I told her how I felt but now she won’t do be the same courtesy of honesty. It’s driving me up the wall. Any advice?

TL;DR: How much time should I give my crush to tell me how they feel about me?

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