I find i always have a few days after a fight where im licking my wounds and feeling bad about myself. I was wondering what its like for others.

  1. Couple of hours, because it takes her 10-20 minutes and then she starts to try to make amends and rub up, but at the same time without that i could easily just walk away/forget about her and go on with my day to day life. So in the end it’s good.

  2. For me, it takes at most 5 to 10 minutes, most of the time only a few seconds. I don’t see the point of staying upset any longer than that. It takes too much energy to stay mad or upset with someone. I’d rather just move on with my life.

  3. I have been living with my current gf for over a year and we have never got into a fight or argument.

    In the past though, with other women, takes me seconds. Takes them hours or days. I don’t have time for that so I just break up with them and move on.

  4. A few hours at most. It usually comes down to regulating the and and asking myself “is this worth ending over”, and if the answer is clear, there’s no point in wasting time.

  5. Depends on the reason. If it’s injured feelings and wasn’t really resolved it’s going to take awhile.

    If it was.just a mistake or accident then I get over it pretty quick.

  6. On the odd time we do argue, we resolve it by the end of the argument. I’ve never been in an argument with my wife that has lasted more than an hour.

  7. 5 minutes to 5 weeks. The 5 weeks is when I’m debating if we stay married or not.

  8. A couple minutes to cool off and then I’ve usually forgotten we fought. I’m not good at keep grudges with women I’m dating and I just want peace.

  9. Depends on the argument. Usually no more than 1 or 2 days, if even that. I like to walk away for a bit to digest the argument, let my emotions settle, and then re-address it when I’m in a better state of mind. It drives my fiancée crazy when I do that but, it helps me to better work through things and to make sure I don’t say or do anything while I’m worked up. I’m pretty venomous when I get angry.

  10. Depends on the situation. If it’s something that displays a lack of acknowledgement on her part for a repeating issue that we have talked extensively, it gets harder and harder to forgive. If it’s an honest mistake? Pretty quickly.

  11. For both of us, usually less than a few hours. She feels hurt for longer than I do, but we know it’s a bad one when we haven’t been able to resolve things before going to bed and it goes into the next day. Thankfully those are extremely rare.

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