So we had three amazing dates. We had a great laugh, conversation, vibe, everything. We share lots of values and traits. It was a no brainer.

And now the texting is not enthusiastic as before and on our regular hanging out day, I wasn’t asked out. Does this mean it’s time for me to move on? They mentioned that they are shy and seems a little too afraid of rejection, so could it be the reason? Should I be making the move? Or they are just “not that into me”?

  1. You should make the move if you feel like everything went smoothly in the previous dates

  2. As someone who is also ‘shy and afraid of rejection’, that’s your cue. If I was vulnerable enough to put that out there within 3 dates, I would expect my partner to be considerate enough to pick up on that and take the initiative.

  3. I attended an all girls school, and we had to ask our dates to the various dances and dinners etc. I say if you’re really interested, make the move. And that way you also know you did all you could. They are usually pretty flattered.

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