There is a guy (24m) in my (24f) friendship group whom when I talk to him sometimes he fidgets, a lot. He’s someone who can generally speak to anyone though so him being nervous if that’s what it is despite us knowing each other for a good year now is a little odd. Last I spoke to him yesterday at a social he was quite literally spinning a chair behind himself, subconsciously… Is that a sign he that he’s nervous or might like me?

This was after we planned a lunch outing together (as friends) which we have done once before.

What do you guys tend to do subconsciously or consciously when you like someone?

  1. >What do you guys tend to do subconsciously or consciously when you like someone?

    I tend to tell that person that i like her.

  2. I’ll just try to get to know them more and when I feel like enough chemistry has been built and I’m 100% sure I do actually like them, I ask them out straight up.

  3. No, I do the exact opposite. I generally appear nervous even when I’m not, but when I’m talking to a woman I like I intentionally move only when necessary lol

  4. Seems like you want him to like you. What’s up with the behavioral analysis? Lol

  5. I do but that being said if I’m talking to a girl I like my feelings are written all over my face and it gets obvious

  6. I play with my hair, bite my lip, drop my eyeline, ask extra deep questions. But then again i’m not a girl and i don’t do those things (except the play with my hair thing, i can’t help it) but standing in the middle of a rook but talking i don’t do anything,

  7. If hes normal around other people and nervous around you, he either likes you or he thinks you’re a serial killer.

  8. I have general anxiety disorder so I’m always nervous and fidgety. Making an important phone call or interviewing for a job get me more worked up than interacting with women

  9. Yes, but I have anxiety, so I am that way with everyone all the time. Since you said he has known you a year, either he has anxiety like me or he is into you.

  10. Hm for me it’s the other way around… im usually more nervous around girls i’m not interested in, than around girls i have a thing for :/

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