I take fitness for myself very seriously. I workout twice a day and follow a strict diet to stay lean. But when it comes to women I’m attracted to, I love soft bellies and round curves. I wouldn’t want them to feel like it’s a fetish for me, it’s just the sexiest body type in my opinion.

  1. I am a gym bro and my wife is chubby. Short curvy brunettes are my thing, always have been.

  2. It really strike ME as weird that so many people today feel like unless you are willing to date every body size, every skin color, or whatever else… you are a body shaming racist. We like what we like. In order to sustain, it usually has to be more involved than physical attraction, but that isn’t a horrible start – to actually be able to look at her/him from across a room and want to know more about them just because they have “that thing”.

  3. it wildly WILDLY depends on what you say to them. it’s totally cool to have a preference for plus size people ! (we’re hot, obviously.) if i know that my partner has a thing for curvier ppl, that doesn’t bother me at all. what does bother me is the type of language they use and how they talk about me and my body. i would avoid using terms like “thick” and other terms that specifically reference the size of someone’s body. even if it is a compliment, it can come across as very objectifying. not everybody is put off by this, but i certainly would steer clear until you gage how comfortable someone is 🙂

  4. It’s wild to me how this is something that needs to be considered nowadays. No, you just have a preference; a type. And that’s fine! Live your happy life!

  5. You are allowed to have a preference without it being a fetish. Really though, it feels like the line between what is considered a normal turn on and what is considered a fetish is completely arbitrary. We just call things fetishes when we think they are more unusual.

  6. Do you consider fat (or “chubby” or “curvy” or whatever word you want to use) women to be full, actualised human beings with complex emotions, lives of their own, desires, boundaries and needs? Do you want to spend the rest of your life dedicated to a woman who just so happens to be fat? (As an aside: Are you capable of experiencing attraction to thin(ner) women? Would you ever give a thin(ner) woman a chance? Or do you completely write them off because of their size?)

    Or do you consider fat women to be sex dispensers for you to stick it in, with little consideration for them as actual human beings?

    If you’re in the first camp: You’re just a normal dude experiencing normal preference. There’s nothing wrong with that. And if you’re just a normal dude experiencing normal preference, then you’ll be able to treat these women normally, too, with a modicum of respect.

    But if you’re a feeder/fetishizer type… then you’re going to objectify these women, and they’ll know it, and good luck building any kind of rapport with one.

    TLDR; it’s not inherently a fetish to like one type of person/body/whatever over another, but there are lines that can be crossed. Just make sure you’re not crossing them and you’ll be fine.

  7. I’m a fat woman with a tall, lean dude with a six pack. I love that he looks at my body with the same excitement I look at his.

    So long as you like the woman as well, and make that apparent, there’s no reason why she should feel fetishised.

  8. You can enjoy whatever body type(or any other type-color, size, ability) you’d like. Who gives a f what it comes across as? Everyone is gonna judge you and who you you associate with. Being confident in it and protecting your people are what is most important.

  9. I think it’s just important to treat them like a complex person than just a body. I’m plus size and I always felt like as long as I was respected a person could be attracted to me for any reason. It’s no different than me being attracted to red heads, seeking red heads, and then engaging in some type of relationship.

  10. As a bigger girl, I wouldn’t take this as fetishizing. However, it’s unlikely I would say yes to going out with you. Too many fit gym guys have thought I would be an easy lay because I’m big, and it would be hard to believe that isn’t the case again.

  11. Nope. I am a chubby woman who likes fit men, or dad bod men who have a lot of muscle. We all have a type. I would not feel fetishized. I can’t speak for other women.

  12. As a chubby girl who walks and does some fitness I appreciate guys who like curves.

  13. As long as you treat them right and don’t make them feel like something is wrong with them.

    Side note, it’s refreshing and nice to read that there are fit men who want a chubby woman. Most fit men I see and meet only want a fit woman and/or model.

  14. Kind of depends. Do you date them publicly, including introducing to family and friends after a point. Do you have sex with them only? Do you have them as side pieces with a “real” girlfriend who is more similar in your body type?

  15. Every man or woman has a preference when it comes to weight and looks. It could be a short fat woman or a skinny one. I’ve always been a skinny guy even when I played basketball and was in great shape but everyone has there taste.

  16. Only if you dehumanize them or actively characterize them by their body shape.

    I have a certain type, gothic/alternative, short, and chubby.

    I’m 135 lbs and 5’11(let’s just round up and say I’m 6 ft) and I’m a socially awkward dork, so I don’t know why I have this preference, it is just a preference. I’ll date anyone I develop a connection with, so I don’t specifically look for people who fit this description. However, it’s a preference.

    As long as you see individuals as a whole human, and not a picture you paint in your head, or as sub human, you’re fine.

    Just don’t fetishize it, and you’re good.

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