I’m not going to claim to be a hugely better person.

But I once joined this queer group, where I kept staring at this one girl. To the point where she actually ran away from me and I got banned from this queer group.

Recently I have rejoined this queer group (after two years).

I wasn’t aware she was still apart of this group.

I am considering not going to anymore events held by this group, as I don’t want to bump into her and make her uncomfortable again.

I don’t feel like I want to accidentally make anyone uncomfortable.

Should I just um-join the group and call it a day?

I want to do what’s best, and the last thing I want to do is step on anyone’s toes.

I am a person, that I feel like I am in perpetual cringe. Accidentally not handling social situations with the grace I wish I had.

I am most likely the problem. Yes, there is a hint of self-hate here.

But I want to do the right thing. I would love an opinion.

  1. too much thinking and self-judgement. Talk to this girl. Tell her why you kept staring at her. Turn this deep dark gap between you two into a bridge or a joke to laugh about later. Turn this disconnection into an opportunity to bond. explain yourself, show empathy. Show grace to yourself. St. Paul killed a thousand Christians before he became a saint and he claimed to be the chief of sinners. So regardless of how you perceive yourself, even if you feel like the worst person in the world, own it and use your humanity to your advantage. You’re golden.

  2. Love the fact you understand that it was a bad thing to do and you accept it. Be proud of the fact that you’re self aware than most other people. Not many people would accept it so easily. This fact alone makes you a better person man ❤️

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