What are your thoughts or past experiences on this?

  1. It used to be more common in America. Then again so was marriage. This culture today despises it. It’s sad

  2. I’m almost 43. Absolutely not.

    I don’t fuck people born after my first orgasm

  3. I’m 38. I would…consider it. Though it’s really hard to imagine doing it.

    Women who are fresh out of college have a particular air to them that is generally pretty obnoxious. Not all, mind you, but I’ve been around it enough in my 30’s through volleyball and such that I see it as a trend.

    That said, people are individuals, not monoliths, and it would depend on the girl.

  4. I would consider it. I would like to try it but don’t have experience doing it.

  5. 31M – sure. 23+, someone who’s seen a bit of the world and has plenty of energy & enthusiasm for going to new places and trying new things. A lot of the women I meet 30+ just want to sit on the couch and watch Netflix.

  6. I’m early 30s M and I’m seeing someone who’s 26 F.

    I can see how some people might consider a mid 20-year old’s youthful enthusiasm for things to be off-putting but I find it endearing because I can still recall how I felt at that age.

    I may be off, but people in their mid 20s are coming to terms with harsh realities while balancing their demi-god confidence and this is what I find sufficiently dateable. The maturity and confidence is there and with enough compatibility, the potential for a partnership can exist. Plus, the comparative enthusiasm is infectious.

  7. Yeah it’s normal. Alot of girl like to date older guy because of the mature level. Just make sure she is done with college or has a career she wanted to be. Mid-20 is where they have matured their personality.

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