Would you date someone who cheated on their ex? Why or why not?

Personally, i’m okay with dating someone who got cheated on but i’m not too sure how i feel about dating cheaters.

  1. there are different situations, but I agree with you, those who cheated once can cheated the second time.
    but many are capable of treason, if the situation is correctly created

  2. I think it depends on the person who did the cheating, do they try to excuse their behavior or are they genuinely remorseful. As a rule I would avoid anyone who is flippant about their past negative behavior; it shows me they are not capable of growth. As a person who cheated I would hope that I could explain what happened well enough, show how much I regret what I did, and help you feel comfortable that I would NEVER do it again. Ultimately, it’s up to you if it’s a deal-breaker. Take each person at their word but always measure them against their actions.

  3. I am engaged to someone who cheated on his last LTR (it ended in a dead bedroom) in a methodical, progressive fashion over the course of a year before he met me. I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt for the past 9 months because his story was so understandable, but I would say that I’m not sure I’d do the same a second time around knowing what I know now. Cheating has a bunch of important ramifications that have little to do with sex and loyalty. It can also really have an impact on personal responsibility, accountability, vulnerability, and transparency. It is hard to earn trust and way easier to lose it with someone who has cheated before even if they haven’t cheated on you yet.

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