Throughout my entire sex life, I’ve always struggled to orgasm. This was mainly due to anxiety I would feel about sex. In general, I am a pretty anxious person and have always been hindered by social anxiety, which bled over to my sex life, causing sex anxiety.

Over the years, I’ve slowly gotten over these anxieties, starting off with getting comfortable talking to girls, which progressed to taking girls on dates, which sometimes lead to sex. However, due to the low and inconsistent frequency of sex, I never found my footing and each sexual experience with different girls was still very anxiety inducing. I was eventually at a point where I had no problem going on dates but had a difficult time “closing” cause I would get nervous about the prospect of sex.

Recently, I met a girl online and we developed a FWB type relationship. The first few times we met were pretty disastrous; I wouldn’t get hard, I’d lose my erection midway through, I’d go too long and she’d get tired. Luckily she was always understanding each time and was willing to continue meeting up. This gave me some consistent repetition which allowed me to become more comfortable with the motions/act of sex. It stopped becoming such a big deal for me and I was able to start to loosen up and relax.

This all eventually built up to last night. Had a good date, went back to my place, sex flowed and before I knew it I was gonna cum!

My confidences is at an all time high, my sex drive feels reinvigorated, and I feel so relieved. Like finally, it happened.

Sidenote: although a big obstacle was dealing with my anxieties around sex, I think quitting masturbation and porn was just as important. I feel as though years of it conditioned me to only really get off through self stimulation.

  1. Congratulations, I’m happy for you, and hope that it all goes well with her

  2. Congratulations.

    Please could we print this out and give it out in the streets to all those guys who have lost hope.

  3. I take porn breaks. Also, if she’s into it maybe watch porn with her or watch tutorials.

  4. Glad you found someone willing to stick around! I’m a woman and have the same issues.

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