Been dating a guy for more than 2 months now. The dates were great, we had fun, genuine connection, to and fro texts, smooth communication, no hookups. After 5th date, I asked him on dating exclusively. He said he really likes me but needs more time and I did not bring it up again. We haven’t met in the last 3 weeks. He hasn’t asked me out, when I asked he was busy that day. We had one call in between and everyday checkin texts. I haven’t heard from him in the past 3 days but he liked my Instagram stories. It feels like I am getting strung along. How do I bring it up with him where I can get a honest response?

  1. As much as it is a bummer he isn’t putting the effort into you so you should not put in to much effort into him, however I would only use this advice for the dating stage of a relationship.

  2. It’s pretty clear that you have his answer. If he wanted to be exclusive you would have known but his actions show otherwise. I’d stop wasting your time and go on other dates as someone else mentioned. I’m sorry 😛 dating sucks

  3. I’m in a similar situation right now and as much as it’s tempting to write I’m doing everything I can to not write me. Well he knows that I like him, he’s slowly fading away. Why should I bother. I’ve been in similar situations and it never ended well. So I think there is nothing much left to do

  4. you guys haven’t had intimacy don’t ask for exclusivity. He might think you’re using him for free dinner.

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