I have social anxiety so it’s hard as hell being the person who initiates a conversation. How do people who are social butterflies get so good at it? Do they just ask random things that pop into their head all the time? I always feel like people are gonna look at me weird if I ask a question isn’t relevant to anything. Any tips?

  1. Sometimes you gotta relax and let the other person initiate conversation or else the convo is donezo

  2. Ask someone how they are / what they’ve been up to, etc. then just keep asking questions about whatever they say. People love to talk about themselves

  3. You can always start with 1 of 3 things.

    The weather, I know that sounds a little cliche, but it can work.

    A complement. Pick something of theirs to complement. Make sure it is appropriate.

    The location you are in. The things around you can provide an easy icebreaker.

    After this, let the conversation flow naturally.

    (this is what my therapist told me, I have yet to actually try it)

  4. Thats the best Part: you dont have to come Up with them. Literally Google.

    I find that the best way to initialize and keep a convo alive is to present a premise and ask for an opinion. Never had that fail on me.

    The premise could be something thats bothering you, or something on the news, or an opinion about an idea or dish or Hobby or exercise. Recently i found myself thinking about buying property. Thats a relevant question for someone in their mid-twenties and i Just threw the question into the room: would you buy property because realistically, thats Something we should figure Out now, and Not in 10 years. Worked perfectly, we had lively discussions and debates for 3 hours and everyone left being smarter than before.

    Dont assume anyones Level of knowlege in anything, everyone has opinions, learn to leverage that.

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