so there’s a girl a like we’re not offical but we’ve gone out a fair few times one on one and this Thursday afternoon/night she’s coming over to watch a movie but I haven’t told my parents much they know I’ve see her but they always think it was in a group and never one on one how do I tell them and more so say yes to her coming over to watch a movie. We’ve never kissed but I think she likes me and I like her and I feel like my family won’t give us any privacy or leave us alone. What can I do?

TLDR: I (M18) have no idea how to tell my parents about a girl(F18) and we’ve organised to go to one of our houses in thursday to watch a movie

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1 comment
  1. Your parents are very religious/conservative by any chance? In that case I see little chance.

    But I presume 18 is the legal age in your country and thus you are fully entitled for privacy with another adult.

    I would try with just “hey, mum and dad, btw X is coming over tonight for some TV.” Repeat having her over often and wear your old folks down by habituation.

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