So I’m in college. There are two services offered to us – counselling (offline) and an online therapy website thing where you can talk to licensed therapists, psychologists etc.

Anyway, since therapy is expensive outside I thought I could utilise these services to fix me and my life. So far it hasn’t worked out, I’m still pathetic and hate life.

But what I want to understand is why therapists hate (or appear to hate me). In the beginning they are always extremely concerned about me being a nervous mess and depressed. They suggest coming again. So I go there to meet them again but now they annoyed by my constant complaining. Just when I get comfortable sharing everything they lose interest. They no longer ask me to come. They told me they would call up to ask something but they never did which I never understood why.

In particular there was this therapist I was talking to on audio sessions and she was a great listener and kind as well. I thought I finally found the right therpist would listen. But she too gave up on me I think, her last few responces were all like “that sounds overwhelming”, “sounds difficult” or something like that. She quit the service a few days later, didn’t say anything to me.

After that I tried talking to one. She told me connect again. But when I did she didn’t respond at all (maybe a technical glitch). And then I got connected to another one. She was kind but I couldn’t connect with her at all.

All in all I am just confused. Do therapists despise me internally and feel forced to talk and have no way of out because it’s their job. Or am I really that terrible or something. Or is it just poor social skills. Should I stop trying to seek therapy

  1. It sounds like two things are going on at once;

    1) it sounds like you’re having technical problems with your app.

    2) it sounds like you might be a pretty intense client in terms of the ratio between your venting in your sessions vs working on yourself. You may burn through therapists a little faster than most.

  2. There might be something going on in the business where they are hiring and firing employees quickly.

    See if there is a manager who can review your file and give you helpful feed back.

  3. It has nothing to do with you!! My cousin worked in that same service at her uni, most of those therapist just graduated or are doing an internship and are being badly exploited and lack any kind of management or guidance. She loved her patients but being a therapist is extremely hard mentally and without proper supervision, resources and guidance it’ horrible she couldn’t take it and ended up quitting and needing therapy herself as she couldn’t deal with it anymore. Also the more “experienced ” therapist or the one’s who were supposed to supervise the new one’s, were all bad therapist who couldn’t find any other job, no good therapist would work for that little money

  4. They won’t hate you, but if you’re not following through with the work they’re giving you that’s intended to help you, you’re kind of wasting their time. If they’re not qualified to deal with your particular situation, then they would say so and recommend someone who can.
    A glitch could be the issue as well, but from the situation your describing it sounds more like the latter.
    They can’t just fix you, because that’s not how it works.The majority of the work falls on you, they’re there to guide and support you, but they’re not there to do it for you

  5. I need therapy. Can I access those services 🥲 (seriously asking ( not a joke ))

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