Which is worst? Physical or mental/emotional abuse in a relationship?

  1. I would think mental/emotional. It takes a whole lot longer to recover from than physical.

  2. Depends on the severity.

    Cant recover a lost limb or from permanent internal damages just as bad as you cant recover from the effects of someone giving you PTSD. Both are life long.

  3. This is not a dichotomy or a contest, both are 100% unacceptable and reason to cut ties with someone, burn the bridge, get a restraining order against them and never let them back into your life.

    Trying to “rank” them is just mudding the waters without adding any value really.

  4. It is very hard to imagine physical abuse without emotional.

    I understand some sophisticated manipulation can be worse than occasional impulsive spanking but also nearly anything can be stamped as “emotional abuse”, even very mild things.

    Overall, I don’t see any point in ranging them like this.

  5. I’d say mental… because mental injuries/scars are much worse to heal than physical ones.

    But once again, with physical abuse there also usually comes automatically mental scars because I’d believe you would have a hard time feeling comfortable around the other gender and even fearing them

  6. Maybe mental, because it’s harder to detect, physical abuse is evident and can give you the reason to leave a relationship

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