Earlier I had intense social anxiety. But fortunately over the years I’ve worked on myself and now I have no troubles in meeting people. I have a bit of troubles in conversations though. I feel I’m a pretty serious guy, even with my close friends I only talk related to work/school. I wanna be a little chill kinda person. I don’t wanna be so uptight always. I wanna be a fun guy that people would want to hang around with. What can I do?

  1. Be selfless.

    The greatest hurdle most of us face is thinking about how we present ourselves.

    Your seriousness is a mask. You wear it to hide your self from others. Likely you’re worried about being perceived as vulnerable or weak, but this is assumption because I’m not a therapist or an expert on human behaviour, I’m just a hacker, and I’m probably wrong.

    The fast track is to not worry about the self. Just be who you are instead.

    Maybe who you are is just a serious person. Nothing wrong with that.

    But to give a contrary view, I’m part of Team FAFO. When someone needs to find out, I ensure they do, but the rest of the time I love fucking around.

    And for clarity, “finding out” can mean rooting out corruption or it can mean helping someone in crisis or gods only know how many other things. 😉

  2. You gotta find your humour niche my friend. I realised a while back the reason I came across as serious in conversations is that most peoples default humour is sarcasm and I’m bad at sarcasm. But dad jokes? Puns? Absurdism? I’m great at that. What do you find funny and what sort of humour could you achieve off the cuff? That’s where you’ll make it work.

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