Men, why does everyone on the internet hate the poor and say its easy to get rich?

  1. people who say that have been brainwashed, just a pawn in the system. Feel bad for them

  2. I don’t really agree with this.

    I think the only people who are really like this is a small subsection of the internet that was brought up in a rich household who don’t really know difference.

  3. It’s all lies. If you think you can live without money and the newest iphone then the whole system goes down

  4. I don’t hate the poor, just lazy people. Coincidentally a lot of lazy people are also poor. And it’s not easy to get rich; but if you work hard, both physically and through networking, you’ll likely manage just fine in life.

  5. A lot of the people willing to talk about money on the internet have a very unhealthy relationship with it.

    Most people can become moderately successful with effort.

    It is appropriate to hate poverty. Encouraging people to leave those circumstances is not hate of the individual it is hate of the behavior and practice. Poverty has disastrous consequences and concentrations of poverty tend to blight areas and parasitically draw resources from functional people. It’s only natural to want to constrain that damage and lead as many people out of poverty as you can.

  6. As someone who grew up poor and overcame it, I see both sides of the coin.

    Is there some truth to the idea that poverty is a financial cycle perpetuated by bad habits and lack of financial education? In my experience yes.

    Is there some truth to the idea that it’s hard to break the cycle of poverty from within? Of course.

    The simple fact of the matter is that there will always be people with varying levels of success and varying amounts of resources like money. There will always be haves and have-nots, and it’s just reality.

    Any person’s capacity to break out of poverty, in my opinion, is dependent solely on their belief in themselves and their followthrough in chasing goals.

  7. those that think that are deluded. it is little different from them saying “work hard, put in the effort and dedication,

    and one day you too can win the state lottery. ”

    sure there’s always the chance, but hard work doesn’t improve your odds and it happens to few.

  8. >why does everyone on the internet hate the poor

    Because it’s moral to choose to pursue what’s best for your life and happiness, mainly thinking and productive work, not be selfless for the poor for being poor or anyone else.

    >say its easy to get rich?

    Don’t know. Don’t know anyone reasonable who says this.

  9. This really depends on what you define rich as? If you are subscribing to the version on IG of people showing off cars and jewelry they cannot actually afford as rich than you are just chasing fiction.

    If for you rich is to live a life where you don’t have to worry about the how much you spend when you go to the grocery store or you have achieved Financial Independence (FIRE definition) than it is actually easy. But easy does not = fast.

    In the USA ( I cannot speak to beyond that ) people are born with all different levels of family wealth, family financial literacy, etc. It is actually simple choices for the individual to improve their life and then have those improvements compound on each other over and over until they are ‘rich’, etc.

    At the same time, there will always be people who do everything right and get unlucky. It happens in an imperfect world. There will be a lot more people who blame bad luck for their problems when they are really ignoring poor decisions they made in the past that made them susceptible to ‘bad luck’ when they did not have to be.

    In regard to hating poverty. We should all hate poverty. We should all have little to no respect for people who do not help themselves (self sabotage, etc.) We should all have compassion and want to help those who are down on their luck and trying to do the right things.

    Just my two cents and I am often wrong.

  10. typing is easier than proving, not necessarily those who say it’s easy to get rich are rich people.

  11. well theres 2 ways of becoming rich

    – you are born in a rich family.

    – you are lucky.

    neither sound hard,does it?

  12. Get out of the, what should I call it, “influencersphere”.

    Instagram is the worst place in the internet, it exist that people can flaunt their wealth (debt) and good looks (surgery, filters and photoshop) in the pictures of their trio to Dubai (the most vapid hell hole of this planet).

  13. I think the base assumption of people online hating poor people or having any sort of strong feelings towards them isn’t accurate.

    Especially since people online aren’t immune to being less affluent themselves.

    With that being said, people online are incentivized to market themselves as being successful as possible, because that is what gets them the most attention and affirmation.

  14. You must be a visitor from an alternate dimension. People consider being poor to be a virtue these days. When I was a kid, nobody bragged about having little-to-no money.

  15. There are 4 ways to become rich

    1. You inherit it
    2. You steal it
    3. You work really hard for it
    4. You learn to suck a dick

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