Just to be clear, my feelings aren’t hurt that I haven’t gotten a text back or anything, I’m just trying to make sure I’m not missing some kind of unspoken online dating expectation.

We’ve (M here, F there) had some good conversations, and a few nights ago around midnight I said I was taking a sleeping pill and apologized in advance if I stopped responding. They said they were going to bed too, and would text me the next day. I didn’t reply to that message. Haven’t heard from them since.

Did I play that situation wrong? Did they expect me to text back since they sent the last message?

  1. If someone says “I’ll text you tomorrow” then that’s what I expect. Some people use these as pleasantries and I find I don’t usually prefer those types of people as I am a “say what you mean and mean what you say” kind of person. In this instance of just chatting, I would just leave it. I imagine this is just a general OLD chat gone dead, for now at least.

  2. I’m forward when dating. So, since you didn’t respond, I (woman) would send a message. Usually a photo that they’d like, or mention a news item and ask their opinion.

  3. Technically, she said she’d text you the next day, but also, she was the one to text last. In that case, I’d probably shoot over a text to touch base.

  4. I assume she just means she’ll be available for chatting the next day. Cause you know, sleep.

    Not much different from “see you tomorrow”

  5. As a female if i say text you tomorrow then i would. At most i would expect you to like the comment or say okay hun (but im extra lol).

    She said so she has to do it!!

  6. I find the whole “turn taking” approach to texting kinda ridiculous. If you’re still interested in her, then text her. If not, then don’t. If she doesn’t respond, then you have your answer.

  7. So you can send her ONE text that she can respond to. If no response comes, you have your answer

  8. Context of the last messages matter. But maybe they were expecting a “chat then?” Or “goodnight”?

    Some people will never text someone again if they were the last to message and didn’t get a response.

  9. Good lord… People get busy, have you smashed her yet ? Even met her ? If not why even ask yourself these questions. Move on. Hit her back in a week if you feel appropriate.

  10. Honestly… if you want to talk to her, text her. If you don’t, don’t. Sometime I have nothing to say or I get busy so I don’t say anything. I don’t think everything need to be a sign at the start…

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