So last Saturday night I was out with this girl at a local bar just having cocktails and a generally good time but things started getting weird through the course of the night. First while at the bar I met my buddies ex girlfriend and her friend so I decided to say hi and the girl I was with got upset and told me that she wanted to leave. Eventually we left the bar since we were going to party at my friends house. When we got there we found the party was going on and one of my closest guy friends (A) was there, the girl I was with also knew (A). So through the entire night the girl I was with (M) intentionally ignored me all the while chatting/laughing with A and when I got attention from any of the other girls at the party she would get mad and accuse me of flirting with other girls even though this wasn’t the case.

Eventually we all went to a club and M started giving me attention and when we decided to leave to A’s house I really thought we would get intimate cause she had been sending me signals in the club but when we reached there she insisted that all 3 of us sleep in one bed and I said fuck this and went home.

So the question is was I being paranoid/unreasonable or was M flirting with A?

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