Have you ever dated someone who made you to jump through hoops? What was the result?

  1. I used to jump through the hoops but now I see the hoop and just laugh haha no thanks, I don’t do circus tricks anymore.

  2. I’m not sure where exactly jumping through hoops start. Well she did and does want me to do stuff. Sometimes I do sometimes don’t or try but fail.

  3. Big hoops. I mean some people saw it as jumping through hoops, i saw it as courting her and earning her time. Obvi it’s different for everyone.

  4. I did in my early 20s, she was in her 40s and gorgeous..she constantly wanted validation and kinda used me to show off to her friends that she still had it. I rolled out after a few months and she kept hitting me up randomly for a couple years after that.

  5. Yes I have and they ended up disappointed when I stopped and moved on. They thought I wasn’t putting in any effort.

  6. Did it. Realized I was being manipulated after a month and dumped her ass. I did it publicly in her favorite restaurant and laid into her for the shit she put me through (An example being almost destroying a friendship I had with a guy since we were 8) and completely embarrassed her. Fuck you Sarah

  7. After about four months I missed a hoop, she said we were done, and I realized what had been going on

  8. Yes. But to be fair, I gave a dolphin a run for his money one time at sea world

  9. Yeah I don’t do constant loyalty tests, I will do one. If he can’t see with his two eyeballs then his mind is bad and I’m not the one to be leading a bad minded man through life. I find another.

  10. That’s interesting that in my experience it rarely makes it to the dating stage. They’re usually pretty “out” about their demanding nature.

  11. I did. The end result she told me we had to stop doing what we were doing anyway. I cried and now when I see her it’s like nothing happened which is for the best. I learned my lesson, and in the future, I won’t choke down how I feel just to have sex.

  12. The hoops just keep increasing in number and difficulty, then there’s the dragon, and the “princess” is still wondering why she’s still single

  13. Had a boyfriend that kept telling me i was fat (i was 115 lbs and skeletal). I found a man that told me i was too skinny and it was unhealthy and he fed me. Other dude ended up on the curb with the trash.

  14. Yeah. It was fun. She used different sizes hoops, flaming hoops, jumping using a motorbike and other vehicles, jumping through hoops into water. The result was I got good at jumping though hoops.

  15. I haven’t. But I refuse to jump through hoops on command so I guess I know how that relationship is going to end.

  16. It was like always being “on,” acting out some role and looking right for it. Exhausting dealing with a narcissist, actually later diagnosed. Of course it ended! Ain’t nobody got energy for that BS!

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