For years my ex missus did my hair, the more recent years it was just with the clippers as I got balder.

I had a go at doing it myself but it was pretty rough. So after it grew back I popped into the barbers, was sat for about half hour, then I realized there was another 5 blokes waiting around the corner that I didn’t see so I fobbed it off in the end.

All the blokes had full heads of hair, some massive beards. All having the full works done. I felt a bit out of place tbh.

I wish there was an express chair at barbers for us blokes who need about 10 minutes to trim it.

  1. Nope. One of the main benefits of going bald is not having to endure the barbers anymore.

  2. Save the money a learn to do it yourself, tbh I don’t know how bald you are or the type of haircut you go for. But I just went with a 1 all over, now I razor it. Looking into getting a skullshaver though

  3. Even for those with hair I wish there was an express lane. 2 on the back and sides and a trim on the top. I’m in and out of that chair in 10-15 mins. Luckily my barbers have expanded, the original store takes all these pretty guys and the new one takes the Dads with their sons who find having their cut an expensive inconvenience.

  4. Of course you can still go! If you do feel out of place you could try watching some youtube tutorials though. How progressed is your hair loss?

  5. I’m balding but still have enough hair for now and go to the barbers for both hair and beard.

    Though I think once I brave the shave, I’d still go to the barbers for my beard trimming. It’s a real ballache doing it myself and I’m too impatient with my girlfriend when she does it. Easier to pay a couple of quid at my barbers

  6. Other half just clips mine down every other week, takes about 5 mins.

    My beard I never touch and it just does whatever it wants

  7. I do mine myself. Decent clippers have paid for themselves many times over.

  8. Still need eye brows and ears trimming, even more so as you get older. Unless you can do your own easily enough.

  9. I speak from experience but yes, the parts of our heads which still have hair, that hair still grows. 2020 saw the remaining parts of my hair get quite long.

    Normally I just have a #1, I dont have enough to faff about it.

  10. I’m not bald, I still have a full head of hair, but it grows like an exploded mattress, so I just use trimmers and take it back to a No2, or sometimes to a 0 and shave it afterward. Barbers have got stupidly expensive, and I’m glad to say I’ve saved a fortune by doing it myself for the last 30+ years…I just buy a new cordless shaver every few years… and invested in a good hand mirror to be able to check the back of my bonce. You soon get used to giving yourself a neck shave too.

  11. I go as little as I can because it takes the barber literally 3 minutes from when I stand up to go to the chair and when I pay them, so however little it is (least was £3, but normally £5 to £6,) it is too much, IMHO.

  12. Even before I started thinning my wife did mine, just a 2 all over.

    It’s thinning now but I’ve managed to arrest it with Finasteride, which has helped a bit but it’s clearly not a full head of hair!

  13. Why would you? Hair trimmer, 5mm, buzz buzz. Clean up, job done. Couple of minutes max. What’s a barber gonna add? Turtle wax?

  14. Yes I still go, I’ll get a zero with the shaver and then have them trim and like the beard up. Could I do it myself, yes, but I enjoy the conversation there and I’m too lazy to do it myself

  15. I used to go occasionally to have my head done with a cutthroat, which felt like a treat

    Used to shave with a safety razor but after a couple of days I get horrendous razor burn which looks shocking

    I have one of those skull shaver type things now which takes me about 5 mins, can be done in the shower, and although doesn’t get quite as close a razor, I don’t get razor burn or nicks

  16. I just lather my head and then shave it with a razor. You soon get used to it and just need to run your hand over your head to check where you missed.

  17. I used to go to the barbers for a clipper cut, starting with a 2 all over and as the baldness advanced went down through 1 to zero. Even the barber said I should just do it myself lol. Now I just wet shave my own head every 3 days or so. Shiny.

    If you decide to do this here’s a tip – do it in the shower and use hair conditioner instead of shaving foam as this will cause much less irritation. And moisturise after.

  18. I have been and had a number one all over, they did the beard at the same time though. It is worthwhile, they usually have a cheap price for a clipper cut and they neaten up all the edges properly, no fluffy bits around the neckline, sideburns and even get your ear hair.

  19. You have this all wrong. We save money by not going to the barbers… this is not a choice or affliction, this is a lifestyle. You buy soap and not shampoo, also, don’t fall for that shit… body cream, face cream = the same. I’m willing to answer any questions or concerns in a d.m. I’ve been bald since 19, I’m 39 and I am considering laser hair removal for what’s left.


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