What is something you don’t hesitate calling out when you see it/hear it?

  1. When my fiancés friends refer to women as bitches or hoes or a number (as in rating 1-10). I shut it down. Can’t stand it. It rarely happens around me anymore. Women deserve respect.

  2. Gossip. I don’t care about other ppls business and I don’t feel comfortable with others talking horribly about someone behind their back

  3. ppl leaving their dog’s shit in my yard, bagged or not. same at the local park.

    also, people dropping their cigarette butts on the ground.

  4. Talking badly about someone behind their back. I hate it. Even if I don’t call it out I will make it clear I’m not interested in being a part of it. I also make a mental note – if they’re doing it to them there’s no reason they wouldn’t do it to me.

  5. People antagonizing someone who is clearly going though a bad time. Any kind of bullying.

  6. Anyone who says things that are derogatory to someone who is mentally / physically handicap. I grew up with a severely autistic brother. So anything like that sends me into a fury. I refuse to tolerate anyone who speaks or acts that way. They’ll hear about it.

  7. Whenever a guy tells me or my friend ‘You’re not like other girls’

    It’s not a compliment.

  8. Gender roles in a marriage. How women have to be ‘adjusting’ and ‘accomodating’ to be an ideal wife and daughter in law, especially in Asian households.

  9. when people say the n-slur (or any racial slur) or sexualizing women. it’s disgusting.

  10. Abusing someone with special needs or when a physical fight breaks out. It’s just absolutely not okay and it literally makes me sick to my stomach to watch, that I literally can’t help myself!

  11. People telling off customer service staff for things that are unfair and not their fault. I always step in, and support them to the managers.

  12. I’m a guy. Recently went out with a female friend to a concert and didn’t realize how drunk she already was until we were in the show. So I suggest we leave and end up basically holding her up on the way back to my car. However, it appeared as ‘sober guy holding up drunk girl trying to get laid’. This lady came right up to us and loudly questioned she and I to see if we knew each other.

    That lady is now one of my favorite people.

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