Just for some context I have ADD so I tend to overthink things pretty badly, so this problem is probably pathetic but nevertheless:

There’s this girl (20F) I like (22M) I’m in a social sport team with at Uni and I see her once a week, we are on break now so I won’t see her for a while and I don’t know whether I should add her on Snapchat to start just casually messaging her (for the record I’m friends with her on Facebook and Instagram just would find it easier to talk on Snapchat idk why) I haven’t added her on SC yet but her account is in her instagram bio, but I feel like if I add her on all 3 I’m gonna look like a creep or something? or should I just send her a message and ask her out on the things I already have her on?

If I should just ask her out, how and when should I ask her out?

If I should just add her snap, how do I progress this further what should I say/do?

1 comment
  1. Ask her for her number, if her snap is in her bio than literally anyone can get a hold of her. Stand out a bit and be different. I’m sure there’s tons of dudes who add her snap just to never get a reply.

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