So I love crosses as an aesthetic a lot,im not religious,but I do like the idea of good and evil and how they co-exist with eachother so I bought an inverted cross necklace but im afraid people might think im worshiping the devil or something.Thoughts?

  1. Is it hurting somebody else? No? You do you and don’t worry about what others think of it.

  2. Sure, you’re not hurting anyone. But to actually answer your answer your question, yes, people will think you’re a Satanist. Upside-down crosses are the biggest symbol of Satanism and “disrespect” toward the cross in Christianity.

    Again, you’re not hurting anyone, so I suggest you do you. Wear what you want, as long as you know your true intentions, other people’s thoughts shouldn’t matter. But do understand what other people’s thoughts will be, and be prepared to deal with backlash from religious or superstitious karens.

  3. In pop culture it is famous for being satanist but actually in christian tradition it is said that peter the apostle was crucified upside down. in a sense its still a christian symbol.

  4. Do what you want. Just be ready for people to ask you questions depending on what crowds youre around.

  5. That’s how most people will interpret it. Like gilfoyle in Silicon Valley. He is a satanist and has an upside down cross tattooed on his arm.

  6. It doesn’t *make* you anything. I suppose people could misinterpret the symbolism and mistake you for one though.

  7. Yeah, I get the “you do you thing”, but I wouldn’t do that. I’m an atheist, but symbols do matter. Would you wear a pendant with a swastika symbol on it for the aesthetics?

    Most people won’t care, some people will, but all people will think you’re in a cult or something close to it.

  8. Bruv , it’s like when people wear guns in holsters in plain sight . Every knows most of these assholes are trigger happy and plain stupid . When someone dresses or looks a certain way that people already have a opinion on it’s next to impossible to not be judged by looking like those people even if you’re intentions are different.

  9. No, people wear the inverted cross for many different reasons. That said, most christians will probably assume that you’re a satanist if you wear one.

  10. I wear a band shirt with inverted crosses and cat heads in the top of them (Koffin Kats).

    I don’t care. Do what you want, let people think what they want.

    You’re not hurting anyone and no, it isn’t like a swastika.

  11. No. The Cross of Saint Peter is ALSO a very specific Catholic symbol. If anyone asks, tell them that the story of St. Peter really resonates with you and you carry his cross in honor of that. It’s a LITTLE weird perhaps, but there you have it.

  12. No. The inverted cross is the cross of st Peter. Peter chose to be crucified upside down because he was unworthy of being killed in the same way as Jesus.

    The pope often sits in a chair with an inverted cross.

    People that brandish this symbol are either devout followers of Jesus or completely ignorant. Which one are you?

  13. If you like it, wear it! The people that get it, get it and the ones that don’t, don’t.

  14. Even if it did who cares 🖤 I surely don’t care about offending religious people

  15. Depends on where you live. If you’re in the Bible Belt I would expect a lot of finger pointing and mumbled *satanist* directed your way. If you’re in a large city anywhere else you probably won’t get direct gate but people who do come close enough to see it could assume that. So if you see people social distance from you a lot that would be it 😀

  16. Being a satanist makes you a satanist. But like others said, be prepared for questions or inquiries about it because it may symbolize it to others.

  17. Why would you care what anyone thinks? Do you. If someone has a problem with it that’s on then. Never change in order to please other people

  18. i dont see many straight up comments so yes, it would make you look!! like one, or anti-religious. it’s literally an upside down cross

  19. Some people think an inverted cross is Satanic. However, it seems that that association is based on Hollywood. An inverted cross is also known as St. Peter’s cross, because St. Peter was martyred on an inverted cross by his own request, feeling unworthy of being crucified in the same manner as his Lord.

  20. I was wearing a shirt earlier with literal meaningless symbols on it (think: Blue Oyster Cult) and I got flak from a super religious lady with whom I work.

    Now. I don’t put much stock in her opinion, but it can make things awkward.

    Is there anything wrong with your necklace? Absolutely not. You don’t have control over the reception however, and this is probably going to raise some hackles.

    Only you can decide if it’s worth the headache.

    TL;DR: live your truth; tolerance is a two way street; pick your battles.

  21. Upside-down crosses are a symbol of Saint Peter’s crucifixion. Only popular media thinks otherwise

  22. take the necklace out of the equation. now ask yourself , are you a satanist? no? ok. so you putting on a piece of jewelry ( an inanimate object ) did it transform you into another human being with different morals and beliefs? no? ok.

  23. It doesn’t make you a satanist if you are not a satanist. Some people could assume that or at least think you are anti Christian though… A lot of what I wear has satanic imagery because I like black metal bands but I’m not a literal satanist. I’m happy to chat to people if anyone asks about it but I don’t really care if religious people get upset. Also most people won’t even notice you are wearing it.

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