A boy in class (A) that I’m really close with got invited by another guy in my class (B) to a party: B has given A free access (because you have to pay to enter this kind of parties) if he brings someone with him.
A has offered me to go but I’m not sure if I should go considering that:
– A doesn’t really want to attend this party either and he’s only doing it because B’s his friend
-Most of my class is going to be there. I don’t enjoy their company and they never invited me to anywhere
-I don’t have any specifics about this party (like how many people are going to be there)

I’ve been wondering if I should come of my shell (I enjoy going out but parties are not my thing) or if I should just say no.

  1. I think you are only young once, so give it a try! Definitely take your own vehicle!!! And, watch your drinks/trust your gut. Enjoy the experience.

  2. You’ll never know if you don’t go, if you’re looking to improve your social skills you can go with a group of people or A if you trust them a lot.

    I personally am not a fan of parties most of the time and I tend to hover around my friends but when I do find a couple of people I can just converse with easily it becomes really enjoyable.

    There’s also other things you can do to meet more people and find likeminded individuals, games, meetups, hiking, a job, other hobbies. All these things should help you in the long term.

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