Context: I’m 24, I’ve been single my entire life and I’m fine with that, I have accepted it and have never gone out of my way to change that. However, in recent years I’m more conscious of the fact that I’m still a virgin and would like to do it at least once before I die. On top of that, there is a nice girl I work with, I like her thou I doubt she even notices me but hay, I can try.

The problem is that since I turned 19 I have been watching a lot of porn in that time, it started as one a week but slowly over time it increased to 2 to 3 times a week, in recent years its now 3-45 times a week, sometimes even 5, for anywhere between 5-30 minutes a session (but usually closer to 5-10 minutes). I’ve also noticed I’m a lot pickier with what I watch, and will occasionally browse different videos. I’ve noticed some time in the last year I find it hard to masturbate without porn (it is possible but a lot less enjoyable and a bit more challenging) and I can’t tell if I’ve done permanent damage to my brain chemistry or is this just an effect of getting older, as I know when I had a conversation with my friend \[M22\] admitted he only does it once or twice a week.

Right now I’m just very lost and confused and just really want someone to tell me that there is a solution, that I haven’t passed the point of no return. If there is anything I can do to reverse the effects, please tell me. I’m starting to cut down on my habits (speaking of which, can anyone advise me on a browser extension for chrome or opera GX to block website like Pornhub?)

  1. Don’t be. You haven’t. You’ve talked yourself into that opinion. Relax. It’s all ok.

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