The next time I do something with my friends, I want to make sure that we can all have our phones put away so that no one goes on them for anything. But I don’t know how to get them to do it without being pushy or sounding condescending.

Here’s an example of what I mean, two of my best friends that I have known since grade school, everytime we go out to eat, we get to the restaurant, get a table, and then we stack our phones on top of each other at one end of the table (where are the menus and condiments are) and who ever touches their phone first has to pay for everyone.

So how can I make it so me and the friends that I am with can all put their phones away without sounding too patronizing?

  1. First, see if you can capture their attention while they have their phones. Cause if you can’t do that, they’ll have no incentive to choose you over the phone.

  2. My friends and I do a thing where we stack the phones and first one to reach for theirs before the end of the meal pays for the drinks

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