I asked for this girl’s number. We started texting and have gone on two dates so far, although i felt that there was no romantic feelings in both dates but i think that we both enjoyed it. When I first got her number I was always the one who initiated texting but when i do we texted for a long time. And the fact that we are nearly identical (the same hairstyle, the same interest, the same quirkiness) made me feel like she is the one for me.
But recently her text has become short and a bit cold. It might be because of the stress she has at work (she’s an artist) but it is starting to stressing me out a bit. I tried to asked her on movie date but she was currently broke so it was canceled (I was kinda currently broke too but still can afford a date). And I didn’t want to go to another coffee date since we did that before. I feel like I won’t meet someone like her again so I don’t want to lose her.
Should I move on or continue dating her?

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