What sound is pleasing to your ears?

  1. Music, but that probably doesn’t count.

    I’d have to pick rain spattering against windows, or onto the roofs of tents. 10/10 sound.

  2. Birds. I’m form the countryside and I love to have the windows open to listen to the different kinds of birds.

  3. The sound that is heard when a cricket ball hits the stumps and the stumps start flying

  4. Shoed horses walking on asphalt/concrete.

    Animals eating. Funnily enough I want to punch people who make a single noise when they chew, but a cat, bunny or pig smacking on something good? HEAVEN

  5. Rain with thunder, purring cats, the ocean, fire, the cacophony of an orchestra tuning, the sheer perfection of a choir in harmony, the flick of a whip, the low laugh of a lover

  6. The ocean, strong blowing winds, loud thunder- basically extremely powerful and potentially dangerous nature sounds. Also piano, cello, and violin music.

  7. Silence. I’m learning that I’m constantly overstimulated, and have lived that way for years. The older I get, the harder it is to deal with though, even being medicated for my ADHD.
    Sometimes my favorite thing to do is just sit in a dark, quiet room for however long, and just exist.

  8. This is going to sound so weird but driving – on the train, in the car, especially late at night when everything is calm and quiet.

  9. Typing.

    I love all kinds of keyboards and switches and I can’t really pick a favorite. At the moment I am enjoying light typewriter sounds. It’s extremely relaxing to me.

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