What are nice and not overuse endearments?

  1. It depends on the context and relationship dynamic. All I know is that if my partner were to call me “Princess”, I’d throat punch them because I would have made it clear at the beginning of the relationship that I don’t like it and don’t consider it a term of endearment for myself. Okay, so I wouldn’t resort to violence if they called me that more than once, but they would definitely find themselves very single all of a sudden.

  2. My husband is a pretty sarcastic guy, so anything he says unsarcastically I consider a term of endearment

  3. I call my 13 year old “sweet honey baby child” constantly. (I have their consent to continue using this endearment.)

  4. That’s pretty personal. I’d smack a stranger calling me darling but my closest friend does it and the affection in their voice makes me feel all gooey.

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