I know a Chinese girl who is in her early to mid-30s, she was very eager to know and get married with somebody. So she attended so many blind dates or whatever form that she can know a male. One day, in a blind date group (arranged by a mutual acquaintance) she and another guy fell in love at the first sight as I was told but I am suspicious because it seems just a blind date for marriage, then after a few months they got married.

  1. It’s kinda like the human equivalent of bidding on a storage lot without knowing what’s inside it. You might get something awful, or you might something that’s going to make other people very jealous.

  2. Sounds like a waste of time. At least swap a picture and brief message first.

  3. If you know what you’re looking for then blind dates or speed dating makes sense. You don’t need time to decide if you like the person. You just need to meet as many people possible to find the one you’re looking for.

  4. If you have social anxiety and are apprehensive about meeting/talking to people, or the kind that gets disappointed and annoyed when a date doesn’t meet your criteria 100%, then it’s a bad idea.

  5. I think they’re weird. But that’s probably because I wouldn’t be at my best in those things and I would need longer to get to know someone.

  6. I am a bit awkward and get very anxious before a first date, and that is with me knowing the person, at least a little.

    If I had a blind date I would be excited until the day and then spend all day thinking about canceling, only to force myself to go and feel kinda like shit until I got there.

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