I went out alone to a bar and was dancing and vibing on my own. A stunning woman came to me and asked to dance with her group, but the group consisted of 2 dudes who clearly were interested in her. It felt like she might have looked for validation and stringing along men.
So I decided to just have a quick chat and then kept dancing on my own.

What do you think of this situation?

  1. I think you did the right thing. Most of these “stunning” women only look for validation and to use you if possible.

  2. Or… maybe she already had all the validation she needed from the other guys and asked you simply because she was attracted to you. I know it comes as a shocker but yes, sometimes women do approach us

  3. Good for you to decide what you were comfortable with and doing your own thing. I think it’s good to also consider your perceptions can sometimes be wrong. Atleast one or both of those guys could be a sibling, friend, or gay friend specifically. I like to be open enough to talk to people and see what the situation is, but I don’t feel the need to stick around if the situation isn’t good for me. I think you must’ve been able to tell from the conversation though that the situation wasn’t for you. Cheers to a fun night though!

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