So to begin I’m a 22 yr old that works In a warehouse. I have a co-worker that I’ve worked with for about 2 years we actually came in around the same time. He’s in his late 30’s and it’s not my place to speak on his personal life & issues but Point is he’s been dealing with a lot and he has a drinking problem. The rest of the guys here treat him like shit and they all belittle him but he has never stood up for himself and takes it. I on the other hand try to be nicer to him & not give him as much shit. Yesterday he texted me and said “ I know you’re young & not dumb but you’re selfish and a pussy “ so I was I was a bit surprised but didn’t make anything of it. I know he’s not there all the time and he’s on the spectrum but it’s not my fault he has baby momma issues and other stuff going on ? I feel like confronting him about it but then again I’m in a different space in life and more
Mature then him. Should I or just leave it alone ?

  1. Why are you doing this to yourself? Word of advice, don’t develop a savior complexe. He needs help, but you are not his mother or father, you are his coworker. Don’t turn his problems into yours and most certainly don’t get caught up in his issues. I’d tell them to get help and that’s it.

  2. I guess that you need to decide whether or not it’s worth taking this on. Based on your description, he seems like a very troubled and troubling person who probably needs professional help. In any case, if he continues on the path that he’s on, he might not last too much longer, and the problem will resolve itself.

  3. If he’s on the spectrum it probably wouldn’t be a big deal to him if you ask him to clarify what he meant. He might be trying to help you in his own strange way. Or he’s being a dick.

  4. I mean I’d say ‘no idea what u are talking about bro’ out of sheer curiosity.

  5. There must be more to this story. What’s the context on why he would text you that out of nowhere? What did you tell him?

  6. Is it how he jokes around? My friends and I text eachother that stuff and/or death threats quite often but it’s moreso out of jest than anything.

  7. The only response that warrants is something along the lines of “unsubscribe” or “new phone who dis.”

  8. Leave it. Why waste your energy? It is the good in you that you want to help out. But wait and observe. Sometimes they do not need it, you are the one who may be needing it.

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