I would like some advice. I asked a friend since it was bothering me, but now I feel more confused. I’ll try to make a long story short without missing details. I met her through our jobs. I visit her office a few times a week. We started to talk and get more friendly so I got her number in April 2022. We hit it off almost immediately. However, she told me she had a kid and I knew that would complicate things, but still gave it a shot. It was going very well and couldn’t wait for what’s in store for us.

Fast forward to July, she started to cancel dates/hangouts (some of the excuses she gave were absurd but I went along) and I heard from her less or not at all so I thought she lost interest. Also, my parents became deathly sick and I was very emotional so I was trying to cope by being with my girlfriend. I didn’t hear from her again so out of emotion, I questioned us. She said she didn’t know where to go from here and is disappointed and hurt because she was trying her best and truly did like me. A lot of miscommunication on both of us.

Now fast forward to December, I learned from the experience and wanted her back. I found out the excuses she gave were truths and so I got the courage to text her.

To sum it up, she says she misses me and thinks about me a lot. She would love to keep me in her life bet feels she messed it up and doesn’t have much time to give (mostly because of her son). I foolishly responded drunk and then kind of rambled to her and got no response. I apologized a few days later and was direct in wanting her back. We had some small talk but then it stopped shortly after. So I take that as a no.

Fast forward to now, I haven’t seen her much since we broke up (we would go out of our way to wait up for each other depending on the day we worked), but the last few times I’ve seen her she has a look in her eyes as if she wants to run up and hug me. I’m so confused.

Since it’s about the one year anniversary of us talking, so I’ve been reminiscing a little. I have dated other girls since just to get back out there and see what happens but it went nowhere or I lost interest.

So a few days ago, I asked my friend for his opinion. He said to get her flowers for Mother’s Day if I want her back. I have no doubt she’ll love the flowers but why? As I thought about it, I kind of liked the idea. However, I feel like I made enough attempts at her already so this would I feel be both unnecessary and maybe desperate? I’d would appreciate any feedback. Thank you!

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