I couldn’t tell you the first digit of mine from memory. How about you?

  1. I don’t have a landline, but I know my parents landline number (which is the same as the one they had when I lived at home almost 20 years ago).

  2. I don’t have a house phone, I’m 36.

    But I do remember my childhood house phone number! Apparently my brain doesn’t want to use that storage space for actually useful information, like where I left that half packet of Hobnobs I was saving.

  3. Back when I had one I did but we got rid of it a few years ago since we found having one to be pointless

  4. I can remember the second half of my parents home phone, but that’s mostly because it ends in 742 which is the simpsons house number

  5. Yes. I’m 36. And is it that odd to have a landline? If you have WiFi you basically get one at no extra cost. We use it for calls to parents and occasional other use, and it means we’re not reliant on phone signal around our house.

    If we didn’t have one it’d be fine, but given it is at negligible extra cost the odd occasion when it’s useful, it seems worth having.

  6. I don’t have a landline and don’t know the landline number of anyone else in my social circle. I can still remember the number of my parents house off by heart, but not sure if it’s still used anymore.

  7. Yeah but a) I am old and b) as I phone a lot of places that are offices or houses with landlines for work, I know a LOT of dialing codes off by heart, never mind my own number.

  8. We have a landline but it hasn’t been plugged in for five years. I know the area code…

  9. From my house growing up, yes. Now, no, I haven’t had a landline since about 2011.

  10. Never even connected a phone to the socket in my gaff. No idea what my home number is, and never used it. Phone line is basically just used for broadband.

  11. I don’t even have a phone plugged in at home. God knows what my number is.

  12. Don’t have one but know My parents number which they had before I was born.

  13. I could recite my parents’ and both grandparents’ numbers off by heart. Analogue landlines are useful, maybe I’ll reconsider once they all switch to digital.

  14. Yes but we have had it 21 years, I also know my best mates mothers number from ringing him after school 30 odd years since, I remember my grandads number even though he has been dead nearly 2 decades, my mother still has the number she had 50 years ago when I was born as do my aunties and uncles, all of which I can dial by heart.

    On the other hand I have had the same mobile number for 15 years and I haven’t a clue what it is.

  15. Yes, but I am good at remembering numbers and sequences. I can also tell you my best friends phone number from childhood and the registration of the car my parents had when I left home

  16. I do, but i never give it to anyone though. Back when I was a kid in the seventies and eighties, I probably used to carry around another half-dozen or so numbers of friends and family in my head. Now I only know my landline, my mobile and my other half’s mobile.

  17. I don’t have one, but I still remember our old house phone number from when I was little

  18. I couldn’t tell you any mobile numbers but yes i know my house number and also still use the landline.

    I can also tell you the house numbers of loads of people I knew in the 70s and 80s most of them now dead so how useless is that?

  19. I haven’t had a landline since I moved out of my parents house 17 years ago. I do still remember their number though.

  20. Yes. I rarely use it nowadays, but I’ve had it long enough to know it off by heart.

  21. Yes with no problems, my mobile number however I can only remember the last three numbers.

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