Maybe it was my lifestyle that pushed away friends, or my sons mother who created so much drama between my friends, family and coworkers that I lost jobs, pushed family away and friends didn’t wanna come around anymore. Now since I moved back to my hometown, I have no friends even if I go to NA meetings filled with older people who don’t seem to deal with struggles quoting big book all day so I never find people at meetings I wanna actually hang with.

I can’t tell if it’s just a weird time, or maybe it’s me. Sometimes I just want to talk to someone and have that connection again that gives me hope. I might go days without actually talking and it hurts. Idk

1 comment
  1. My husband goes to meetings, he had the hardest time for a little while because of all the older people and not feeling like he fits in. He kept trying other meetings even if that meant driving 45 minutes to one. He has eventually just started talking to the older guys and putting in effort to connect. Keep trying, you got this!

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