Asking as someone who is talentless but appreciates the more creative things in life.. I just can’t create them myself.

  1. Take a minute to fuck around with a medium. With no expectations or ideas on what you want the end result. Just mess with it. stuff will come to you later

  2. There are so many different mediums and ways to be creative — I think you just have to try a bunch of stuff and see what sticks. I just signed up for a pottery class because I made a few things when I was a kid and remember liking it. Maybe I won’t like it as an adult, but it’s *something*. If you can get a friend to take a class/course with you, you might be more excited about it.

  3. I enjoy painting, embroidering, and coloring. If you’re struggling with wanting to be creative but don’t know where to start, I’d recommend trying a medium with a template of some sort. I’m a big fan of paint-by-numbers. You don’t have to put thought into blending and layering colors, but it’s still a fun creative outlet with a beautiful end result. Same goes for embroidery. Coloring books are great because you start with a black and white picture and you can add whatever color combinations you want.

  4. I’ve always been creative – sewing, drawing, jewellery making. Then I stopped for ages. When I had my first child I started taking photographs and that stayed with me for years. I got good, I’ve been paid for photoshoots. It was fun. Now I’m into writing, sewing, painting and making weird stuff out of old jewellery. I enjoy tinkering and textures and putting things together and learning, I love learning.

    Just choose something, play with it, find other people’s work that you like and try to learn the techniques to recreate it. In no time you’ll be doing your own stuff.

  5. I have been creative since I was a kid. I loved singing, drawing, writing from the moment I could.

  6. You have to be ok with and even happy to be bad at something. And to waste some money in that process. That itself keeps a lot of people from beginning a new thing as they expect it to look professional when you have the same skills as a 3rd grader. I love trying new mediums and I have made so many ugly projects. I cannot tell you have many paintings I have done over the years that will never see the light of day. But I enjoy it still, as I only create for my own inner peace. Not to end up famous or in an art gallery. Now with sewing, that I can show off (and do frequently) i spent the last 10 years building my skills and am so proud of it. And it started with making hideous Halloween costumes for my college roommates and I.

  7. Everyone starts out talentless. You find something you enjoy doing and do it. Keep doing it because it makes you happy and eventually you’ll get better at it.

    Baking and writing are my main creative hobbies. I’m actually making a cake right now lol. I’ve gotten good enough to be paid for both things periodically, but I got to that point by practicing. Like I don’t try to make a cake once a year and bemoan how much I suck at it–I keep making them. If it doesn’t come out I try again. And again. I have one cake recipe it took me a whole year to perfect. All that practice made me a lot better and more confident to try doing more and even branch out into a bit of candy making and such. Things I would never have dreamed of doing when I started 15+ years ago.

  8. I crochet while I watch tv. Stuff that I can do on almost autopilot. It works up quickly and I pay much better attention. Unless it’s Survivor tribal council.

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