The typical German breakfast includes bread rolls, jam/honey, cheese, boiled eggs. It seems that US breakfast is very different. Today someone here came up with the idea of a breakfast taco 🌮and people loved it. So I was wondering what ypu consider breakfast food.

  1. Coffee/tea/soda and a granola bar during commute on a weekday. If I wake up at 4am for some reason, I’ll make a ham and cheese omelette sandwich (toasted bread).

  2. Usually just a coffee (usually an iced americano), maybe a bagel with cream cheese too.

    If I go out for brunch, I’ll get an eggs Benedict and my husband will get something sweet (pancakes, waffles, French toast).

  3. A sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich sometimes with a muffin with coffee.

  4. Most commonly, egg biscuits (that’s American definition of biscuit, mind you. Biscuits are serious business), but also pancakes, waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns make regular appearances.

  5. Most of the people I know don’t eat breakfast at all.

    Breakfast taquitos and burritos are definitely a thing here though.

  6. Breakfast foods vary as widely as our backgrounds. My gf always saw doughnuts as a breakfast food, where I saw them as a dessert or snack.

    Right now I’m working through a box of chocolate chip Eggo Waffles and my gf has some chocolate chip muffins for us too. Sometimes I stop at Dunkin’ Donuts for egg, sausage and cheese on a bagel.

    When I have the time, I like to go to a restaurant and order a big breakfast; pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausage. I used to enjoy bacon more, but sausage is more consistent.

  7. I almost always have a bagel with cream cheese and a giant glass of milk. I’ll do scrambled eggs on mornings when I have the time and am feeling a bit hungry. I’ll go out for an omelet once a month or two.

  8. Sweet things, but only certain types. I was very surprised to see what was basically chocolate cake at a breakfast buffet the first time I went to Europe(Athens, and it was awesome).

  9. I consider anything to be breakfast food – as long as it’s edible and you eat it in the morning! Breakfast tacos are a great idea – I’m definitely going to give that a try. I usually eat some sort of egg dish with bacon and toast. Other times, I’ll have smoothies or oatmeal. I also like having pancakes and waffles with syrup. It all depends on what I’m in the mood for!

  10. I have 2 eggs and toast every day. With coffee. My kid has eggs or oatmeal.

  11. Eggs (either fried “sunny side up” or scrambled with cheese or ketchup), buttered toast, bacon or sausage, yogurt, orange juice or milk.

  12. Today was some pretzels and the last of some cheese spread, some Teddy Grahams, then coffee with some Bailey’s in it and an egg sandwich. Put some barbecue sauce and pickled red onions on the sandwich.

  13. Dry cereal with milk, avocado toast, bagel with cream cheese, or oatmeal are my usuals, and are extremely common.

    Sometimes I’ll do a straight up lunch for breakfast thing (regular burrito, turkey sandwich, pizza, etc). But that’s probably not normal.

  14. At work: Greek yogurt with peanuts and walnuts

    Days off: Two scrambled eggs and a banana

  15. If I’m in a hurry, I keep bean and cheese burritos frozen. If I’ve run out, then I’ll have peanut butter on toast, or if there’s not even time for toast, on bread.

    If I’ve got time, 2 scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee.

  16. I usually have 2 eggs either fried or scrambled, a get slices of bacon, and a couple pieces of toast.

  17. this morning I am having peanut butter granola with blackberries and oat milk. it’s kinda like a pb&j.

    also gonna have a big coffee for my 50 mile commute

  18. Same as you. I have Musli/Muesli/Mueslix bars which is just granola and fruit/nuts pressed into a candy bar shape, and Coffee.

    If I get to have a sit-down breakfast with familiy on the weekend, then it’s like a Full English, just with slightly different sides. Or pancakes/waffles, but that’s pretty rare, >1 a month.

  19. My breakfast today is going to be scrambled eggs with cheese, dried fruit, and almonds on the side. But what you mentioned would also be a typical breakfast for me omitting the bread and I prefer to scramble the eggs.

    If it’s not that it’s skyr with fruit and nuts.

    Always with black tea or coffee.

  20. In the Winter: egg on toast with fruit or oatmeal and fruit.

    In the Summer: egg on toast with fruit or yogurt and homemade granola.

    No matter what time of year I always have a coffee and glass of water.

  21. I’ve gotten into the habit recently of having a veggie omelette with some fruit and a protein shake for breakfast. Keeps me full through the work day since I don’t eat lunch.

  22. Breakfast burrito with my fav hotsauce and a Starbucks mint mocha frappachino

  23. Either a cup of coffee or a massive breakfast with eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc. Nothing in between.

  24. My rotation is:

    * oatmeal with dried fruit
    * shredded wheat cereal with almond milk
    * eggs with toast, maybe a side of sausage or bacon
    * eggs with avocado/guacamole and leftover vegetables and cheese, eaten in a tortilla
    * leftovers (could be anything), this week it was ham and bean soup with cornbread

  25. It changes from time to time and breakfast before work is much different than a breakfast on a weekend typically.

    Right now for breakfast I’m doing a Sausage Egg and Cheese biscuit. These are frozen ones from the super market (either Jimmy Dean or Bob Evans brand) that you heat up in the microwave. Then a single serve Greek yogurt and an orange.

    My wife right now is doing these breakfast biscuits from a company called BelVita. They are easy to eat on the drive to work so that is why she does those.

    We both typically drink coffee with breakfast.

    On Friday mornings we have a special routine. Before work we go grab bagels from the local Jewish Deli around the corner. I get a Lox bagel and the wife typically gets a plain bagel with some sweet cream cheese (like strawberry or blueberry).

    On a weekend or a day off we have a few different things we usually make. If I’m cooking I’ll do bacon, eggs, home made biscuits and gravy. The wife will usually make pancakes and sausage. Sometimes we might just make omelets and toast instead though.

    Sometimes we go out for breakfast too. Typically we go to one of the local Mexican restaurants near us that has a breakfast menu. I usually get the Huevos Rancheros and the wife usually gets a breakfast burrito.

  26. A bowl of sugar in the shape of cereal, 3 lbs of bacon, a carton of eggs, and gun.

  27. I don’t really like (or at least crave) sugar, so I don’t eat pancakes or waffles or anything with syrup, but a lot of Americans do. The standard American breakfast, IMO, is eggs, a side protein (bacon or sausage), fried potatos, coffee, toast, and orange juice. You can get to that end result with a bunch of variations (breakfast burritos, sausage or bacon and egg biscuits, etc).

  28. I loved the German breakfast when I was there for a high school trip. I’d take extra hard rolls and cheese and make a little sandwich for lunch… it’s so hearty!

    Anyway, over here, I usually have a fruit/kale smoothie, an egg, sliced avocado, and maybe a little vegan sausage.

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