While scrolling through facebook i have stumbled across a plethora of pages involving car channels such a DDE which show a ticket dismissal service… is there something similar in the UK??

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  2. Yes.

    You goto court and argue your case. However in virtually all cases you’ll have been caught by a camera or something, so effectively you’ve got no chance

  3. If you’re within a certain amount over the speed limit, you may be given the option of a speed awareness course. They’re totally shite, and you’ll feel like you’re being preached at (guess what? You are being preached at), but you’ll avoid the points on your licence. Of course, you could always do something revolutionary and stay within the speed limit…..

  4. No not really, the only ones people tend to get anywhere is for incorrect signage.

    A variable speed limit camera recording but no signs for it, or a recently changed zone that was conflicting signage.

  5. Sometimes dickheads offer schemes to get rid of them for a fee. These invariably result in convictions for perverting the course of justice and usually prison.

  6. So besides the speed awareness course and not speeding I’ve also heard that if your ticket arrives more than 14 days after the date it was issued you can have it scrapped. I think it was after Beckham or someone famous was fined, I’m not sure the process, maybe you need good lawyers to argue your case? 🤷‍♂️

  7. I’m not 100% sure when it’s offered, I think it’s if it’s your first motoring offense and you’re not much over the limit. But you can do a speed awareness course.

    It’s almost impossible to get away with no punishment at all.

  8. No. They’re nothing like in the US. Here, they know who you are via your reg plate and will take you to court if you don’t pay.

    If you have reasonable grounds you can contest them – it’s not difficult – I’ve done it a couple of times and was successful. I know others who have done too.

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