Never have I been in such a bad place in regards to finances —> mental health. My husband and I started a business and we failed and now we have piled up $50k in debt. I keep crying and thinking of how stupid we were for using credit for this and want to hit myself for how dumb we were. I have none to talk to because I’m so embarrassed.
Both my husband and I both work in sales. Combined me make about $2300/week before taxes. I’m starting a new job that has better benefits and better pay soon so I hope that will help.

Cards APR are kicking in soon and my level of stress is not ok. I can’t stop crying every time I think about it. I wake up every morning and wish I could sleep more just to forget my situation.

I know I’m not being very positive or optimistic but I just can’t seem to get out of this hole.

  1. Can you transfer the balance to a new 0% APR credit card to buy yourself more time to pay off the balance without interest charges? I’ve heard of people doing this in the past but I don’t know if it’s still a thing. Maybe someone else can chime in.

  2. I don’t know what state you’re in, but a lot have free financial counseling. It’s helped me in the past. Google something like free financial counseling (your state). Good luck.

  3. Okay. Mistakes were made, but they’re in the past. You can’t change them now. You can only forgive yourself and him and move forward. Here’s a good technique for calming all those racing thoughts and feelings of hopelessness down by Emma McAdam, a licensed therapist who has a youtube channel (the whole channel is great). [](

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