Im using a throwaway for obvious reasons
Looking for advice

Im a 20 year old guy I’m looking to finally give up and let go of trying to find a relationship or love. I’ve never really had any experiences dating or doing anything intimate but I feel like I need to just let go in order to preserve my mental health. Unfortunately as most young men have, I’ve been exposed to a lot of toxic videos, ideologies, and content creators who luckily, I knew they were lying and that they were unhinged. I consider myself lucky because I want brainwashed as other young man have been but it did still take a toll on my mental health. I always keep overthinking things and having negative thoughts about myself which keeps feeding my insecurities. I’m doing the first part well and controlling the things I can work in right now in my life. I’m focusing on my college academic work, Working part time at my job and hopefully starting my new Internship soon!

My question basically is how do I stay contempt being single for life once and for all and focus on other things as I get older?

1 comment
  1. I like that you acknowledge your weaknesses and that you are willing to focus on things that you enjoy.

    * Keep yourself busy! Do something that will satisfy you. Healthy work or hobbies will take you off negative thoughts.

    * Longing will be your biggest enemy. If you long for a relationship then you will not succeed focusing on other things. Believe that it will all come into place when fate is ready.

    You are not alone! A lot of young people feel this way. But the thing is you’re still 20, and your brain is still growing. I know the pressure of dating modern women but I strongly believe that if you keep on going out there and give yourself a chance every time, you will learn a lot of things other than how to “date women.” Have an awesome day!

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