Why you guys not holding umbrellas but just using hoodies or jackets in rain?

  1. I l9ve rhe feeling of security with a good umbrella, but it’s just one more item to stash when we reach our destination I try to keep one in my truck for emergencies or unexpected storms that catch me sans jacket.

  2. If I am out walking a fair distance I will have an umbrella. To run from my car into the house or my office the distance is so short the umbrella is not necessary.

  3. I’m almost never in heavy enough rain long enough for it to be worth carrying and using an umbrella. I mean it’s generally little more than walking from wherever I’m parked to wherever I’m going. And if it’s raining that badly then I’ll just stay home.

  4. Where are you getting the idea that we don’t use umbrellas? I have 4 umbrellas stashed in various places (one in my work bag, two in my car, and one in my office).

  5. The majority of the places it rains in the US, as often as not the wind is also blowing enough that all an umbrella is going to do is break if you use it. Especially out west. Also, holding a metal rod in a thunder storm isn’t smart.

    It’s not like the gentle or even heavy rains I experienced in Europe where an umbrella is sufficient. Growing up, if it rained, it was just as likely to be raining sideways as it was down.

  6. Gotta keep my hands free. Never know when a dude needs to shake a dope cross over and dunk on a fool.

  7. I need science to build me an umbrella hand. I have my phone in one hand and my latte or transit pass in my other hand. Or my shopping bag.

  8. George Washington didn’t have an umbrella at Valley Forge. If he can do it so can we.

  9. Because my hands are already full. But I’ll use an umbrella if it’s raining hard.

  10. Because when it rains where I live, it’s inevitably cold and likely windy as well. Since it’s cold, I already need to wear a jacket, might as well wear a water resistant one with a hood. Before WFH I would wear my rain pants to walk to work on rainy days, it was great. I stayed dry while I watched people struggle with umbrellas getting blown.

    If I’m someplace like New Orleans and it’s raining and 85 degrees, give me an umbrella and I’ll pass on the hoody.

  11. Well if it’s raining or snowing where I am it’s gonna be way to windy for an umbrella. I just am not really bothered by some moisture

  12. I’m only bringing an umbrella if it’s heavy rain. For a light drizzle, a hoody works fine.

  13. Meanwhile I got asked why Americans are so obsessed with umbrellas when I was abroad.

  14. Other than someone on a motorcycle, I can’t remember anyone wearing a rain jacket. I’m in Florida! Anything jacket related is purely a myth.

    I have at least 2 umbrellas in my car. And at least 5 total that I can think of. Some fit in my pocket and one in my car is a huge golf one. Most in Florida have an umbrella in their car, or they simply just wait 20 minutes for the rain to pass.

  15. I personally don’t own a cool enough umbrella or really care enough, I just don’t wear my nice clothes in the rain like a sane person.

  16. I can’t figure out how to fold an umbrella and get into my car at the same time. God forbid I’m carrying something too.

  17. I’m a big fan of improving our public transportation systems and more walkable neighborhoods, but people over there just take it to absurd levels.

  18. I’m a geologist. We don’t stop work just because it’s raining (or snowing). Umbrellas are something I use at the beach; otherwise, they’re for suckas.

  19. Because cars.

    I just have to make it across the parking lot, getting a little wet on that short walk is less annoying than carrying around an umbrella unless it’s pouring buckets. If it’s pouring buckets, the wind is likely to be sufficient that an umbrella isn’t going to help anyway so it’s just time to run.

  20. We definitely have umbrellas. Everyone knows that they were invented in America by Herbert J Umbrella in the 1920s.

  21. I had an umbrella, but I forgot it in a restaurant. Repeat for my entire life.

  22. I just can’t be bothered to carry around something that I most likely won’t have to use. Maybe if I carried a bag I could justify one of those small ones, but I don’t. I think the only time I have actually used an umbrella was at a funeral. I don’t even like to wear a jacket if I know I am going to be constantly taking it off and putting it back on. I would rather just put up wit the cold than be forced to carry it.

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