A few months ago, I had blocked the man I was dating (from september to january) after repeatedly explaining my unhappiness with his communication. it was nothing major but i felt as if because it remained a constant “issue” in our “relationship” , he either wasn’t listening to me or simply did not care that his texting style hurt my feelings. it’s been almost 3 months since we’ve last talked and i haven’t stopped thinking about him since. I miss him a lot and would be so happy if we were to talk again however i’m torn between leaving him alone and reaching out. from a maturity standpoint i feel as if i should leave him alone, i mean i’m the one who was unhappy with his texting and i’m the one who blocked him. from a feeling standpoint, i miss him a lot and we meshed really well together. any thoughts ?

  1. If your heart yearns for reunification, by all means reach out. But a lot can change in 3 months. Will you be OK if he’s found love with another? Of course intellectually you know your relationship was short and you hardly marked him as your territory, but reaching out only to be met with “no I’ve forgotten about you and I love my new lady” can be hard to swallow.

  2. Unless your feelings about what you need communication-wise has changed, don’t reach out to him! Seriously girl, don’t do it. I know you’re tempted, but just remember how awful it felt when he wasn’t communicating with you when you were in the relationship. You’ve had the strength to walk away from that situation and you need to stick with it. Don’t torture yourself again.

    In the meantime, have you tried dating anyone else?

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