Alright, so this deserves an explanation. I’m going to talk about my group of friends in class (15-16F). There’s me, Anna, Emily, Rachel and Mia (made up names). Me and Anna have been great friends for over 10 years, so it’s obvious that we’re mostly an inseperable duo. We met other girls while starting this high school. Everything was great for a while but then I found myself doubting my friendship with Mia.

Basically, she’s way more nerdy than all of us and sometimes I feel like she’s dragging my inteligence down on purpose. Mia is the know-it-all type of person who states the obvious to you and I always feel dumb when talking to her. A while ago I’ve been talking to Emily and Rachel at lunch, and then Rachel confessed to me that she absolutely hates Mia. Emily agreed and they asked me for my opinion. I said that I’m neutral about it and while I don’t find Mia likeable I’m not really against her. Anna doesn’t know anything yet but honestly it’s so obvious that Mia is the least liked member of our group.

Emily and Rachel are acting mean towards her sometimes and sort of ignoring her. While I can understand that because Mia often angers me, I still feel bad for her. I have no idea what to do because there’s tension all around whenever Mia is around us. You can literally feel the side eyes and hatred. There’s not only just us, we talk to many different classmates and some of them don’t like Mia’s personality as well. Basically, I really need advice. What should I do? I understand both sides and I feel like I’m going to feel terrible no matter what I do.

1 comment
  1. Just tell Mia this in a more friendly manner and like try to sound as mature as possible so as to not hurt her feelings I’d assume is the right way to go about it anything other than telling her the truth will end up with worse consequences no doubt

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