I’m not a cheater (and not thinking about it). Just wanted to hear some interesting blurred line stories.

  1. Never. If you’re not interested in your partner break up with them, don’t put them the emotional destruction and trauma that is being cheated on. It is never okay to do that to another person.

  2. I cheated when I was in an abusive relationship that was not safe for me to leave. I think that’s okay. I think it’s very easy to make things black and white, and say its never okay, but reality isn’t like that. Once you’ve been stuck in a relationship where you’re in physical danger if you leave, and you’re so desperate for someone to just be kind to you, your perspective changes a bit. Or at least, mine did.

  3. I’d be interested to know when people think it’s okay as well.

    I guess it depends what you think cheating is?

    like some people think it’s liking someone’s photo online. I wouldn’t think that’s cheating but I know some people find it really offensive/cheating.
    Some people think a kiss on the cheek as a greeting is inappropriate however I do not.
    Being close with someone and talking about things you wouldn’t necessarily discuss with your partner? That could go either way?

    Physical cheating is always a no.
    Emotional cheating is the only place I could see it being blurry as it’s so subjective. I think that would be whether or not you would feel embarrassed if someone told your partner what you were saying or not.

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