This may seem like an odd question but when it comes to talking to guys I have no idea what to talk about(btw for context: im a woman). I feel like certain topics would probably bore them.

Also I know all guys don’t have the same interest so it’s hard to have an objective answer to this but I’m just curious what guys usually talk about to each other and what topics do you personally like talking about?

  1. This is very subjective. Based on my hobbies, it’s usually sports, music production, engineering stuff and food. But not even just that. Like I said depends on the day, mood and relevancy.

    So I guess you can say the closest objective answer is “Men like to talk about relevant things”. There you go.

  2. Nearly eerything and anything. Funny things are best.

    Quick tip, though; we’re not interested in gossip or your emotions.

  3. Best thing to talk about; any story that starts with “hold my beer”.

    Just try and have fun. Don’t bother with details that don’t matter in the here and now; just let the good times roll.

  4. I think it depends. Because my friends and I like to talk about games and/or cool facts we may have seen. Space, nature, chemicals, etc.

  5. Obviously, whether the Sherman tank was given a bad rap by amateur historians even though there are many reasons to believe it was the overall best tank of World War 2: superior to both the German Tiger and Panther tanks.

  6. What would happen if they were put in a war or zombie apocalypse with their friends, their favorite video game or sports team, I mean pretty stereotypical stuff. Who they think they could beat in a fight, ranking their favorite video games/movies in a franchise/etc.

  7. Ask them to explain things. Like how does something work on a car. Why is the cold always on the right side of a faucet. This will open doors for you to figure out what they like to talk about.

  8. diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks, and it changes in different company. i like convos about history, current events, and politics with some friends. among my professional friends and peers, we’ll talk about psychology and medicine.

    with others, guitars and ukes. music. surfing and gear. what we call “weediculture”, the art of growing cannabis. bowling. art. books. TV and movies. vidya games. places we’ve traveled, and places we’d like to see. family. out here in HI, family is a pretty big deal.


    if dude is having a relationship prob or some other challenge, we’ll talk about that too. but i’m lucky because most of my friends are chill about that kind of thing. if you wanna cry, go for it, we won’t judge you. our friends are like “let it out, dude! it’s good for ya!”.

    but that’s not for everyone, obvi.

  9. I like to talk about everything. And if I have no knowledge in a topic, I am happy to listen and learn something new.

    Edit: what I don’t like: Gossip.

  10. Things not people.

    Cars, guns, boats, planes or things to do, going hunting, camping, a car show.

    Some guys are into sports, not me but some.

    Some of us are into politics but leave the emotions out and think critically and logically.

    Also depends on your relationship with him.

  11. Anything apart from other peoples drama. I dont give a shite about Gwyneth Paltrow skiing.

  12. I think it spans a very wide range-just like with women.

    My husband has 100 topics he’s interested in and five where he is a walking encyclopedia. He’s TERRIBLE about waiting in lines & we were stuck in London once waiting for a flight. All I did was ask if he felt there were any drawbacks to naturally aspirated vs supercharged in a performance car. Three hours just zipped by for him as he went down numerous paths of related conversations.

    My older son has his own 100 topics and maybe 10 that he’s so passionate about you really need to be able to listen for hours if you get him started.

    Younger son has maybe 75 but he’s practically done a thesis on half a dozen and can discuss in such minute detail I feel compelled to take notes.

    52, 31 & 27 are the ages.

  13. I typically talk about funny stories or jokes, or things I’m wanting to make or have made. Some people are put off by that. They can eat a fat one.

  14. ‘How are you, really?’
    I would love to answer that question.
    Other men would cringe and run away. So shoot your shot.

  15. Great minds discuss ideas.

    Average minds discuss events.

    Small minds discuss people.

  16. What kind of dragon they would want to fight? How much time in the desert they could survive? What super hero they could take on in a fight if they had too?

  17. Usually just nonsense or funny shit we saw since the last time we hung out lol nothing too deep typically.

  18. Hobbies, interests.. both common and unknown. General stuff, as long as it isn’t about other people or intimate shit.

  19. My wife gets into me cause she says all I talk about is cars, computers and sound systems. I say back that’s all I’m interested in then she just shakes her head.

  20. Every guy is different. My friends and I usually talk about politics, philosophy, finance, fitness, books we’ve been reading, and our personal and family goals.

    Guys talking about sports, TV shows, or beer/alcohol is a sure way to get me to excuse myself from the conversation

  21. Anything other than gossip, people’s personal or sex lives, politics, political affiliations, religious or non-religious affiliations and other things.

  22. The trick is, ask them and listen to what they have to say. FYI it will probably be completely random. Best way is to open the door to something random like “whats new and exciting today?”

  23. Every group of guys will want to geek out on different things, it depends on what they are specifically in to. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  24. A lot of things provided it isn’t about sex or sports (especially football). I guess it’s no surprise the majority of my friends have been women.

  25. Multiverse theory, philosophy, the things you did research on for political topics without looking at biased facebook posts.

  26. men tend to talk about stuff and things. Women tend to talk about people and feelings.

  27. Talk is cool but doing is better, go do things. Its a great way to bond.
    We like cool things, talk about cool things that happened/seen. Food is great, some guys like sport, cars, bikes, extreme sport, tools/ gear, gym, building stuff.
    Other guys might like fashion, music, PC/games, tech, AI, money/crypto, grind-set, architecture, nature, whiskey/alcohol, smoking/cigars.

    Thats all of the top of my head. Its not very hard to ask and start from there. Good luck!

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