What is the best responds to “why are you still single” ?

  1. because i do not need a partner at this point in my life to do what i want to do

  2. *”I’m not really a physical entity in this dimension hence I cannot engage in such a ritual without causing a space/time rift.. I’m doing this for you cunts”* – Something like that should do the trick.. Don’t expect follow up questions..

  3. “Why are you still fat?” /S

    But seriously, just answer with a mixture of humor and honesty. If you’re truly content with your situation, that’ll come through and hopefully shut them up.

    Conversely, you might also ask them
    “how’s your marriage/relationship going btw?” I find a lot of people who get really concerned about the relationship status of others usually aren’t happy in their own.

  4. If your older relatives ask that just say “why is your marriage in the romantic equivalent of abysmal lackluster apocalyptic standstill?”


  5. I always answer truthfully with family, because a girlfriend wouldn’t like the other women I sleep with or the escort I go to operas and plays with.

  6. Because I am a conservative Evangelical Christian man who will only marry a conservative Evangelical Christian woman who I’m attracted to who’s also attracted to me. Which restricts me to a very small percentage of women.

    Because I’m fine dying a virgin. To me sex is like a Maserati. It’s very fun but it’s a luxury and I’d be happy being a virgin the rest of my life just as I’d be happy driving Toyotas the rest of my life.

  7. “I don’t know, ask my grandma. She said all the girls would be fighting over me. Why did you lie to me grandma! Why!?”

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