im heading into my sophomore hear of college and have yet to make any friends. i always keep my headphones one as the chattering around me gets on my nerves. i have very bad anxiety too and almost never initiate conversations. i had an acquaintance last year and we were supposed to have a class together this semester but they ghosted and i haven’t seem them since. they talked to me first on the one occasion where i didn’t have headphones on, too. ever since ive felt like no one else would want to be around me, especially since the other ive person i spoken to also ghosted me. i tried therapy but my therapist would sometimes laugh or repress laughter whenever i talked to her, and i dont have the mental energy to find another. im thinking of skipping all my classes tomorrow because im sick of just being alone all the time and no one talking to me. i cant handle being in a physical slice without my headphones, but i am so lonely and desperate for human contact 🙁

  1. i get what you mean by the headphones being a necessity, im in the same boat. id say that yes taking them off will make you seem more approachable and will encourage others to maybe try and engage in a convo with you! also don’t skip your classes, being alone is not that bad during school hours and lectures etc, have you tried maybe joining a club in your college?

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